Technical Support

“Only a life lived in the service of others is worth living.” Albert Einstein

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About Technical Support

Sankalan extends its support to building artisans, project holders, and architects, leveraging its technical expertise to assist them in their endeavors.

Support to Artisans

The team of “Sankalan” works closely with the building artisan community, ensuring that their work enables them a dignified living. To encourage building artisans to become Entrepreneurs, “Sankalan” is functional with a vision of empowering building artisans and strengthening artisanal practices to promote traditional skills and wisdom, backed by research and development, in the contemporary practice.

The journey with an artisan starts with the enhancement of their skill sets and training them in a particular construction technique, which is of their choice. After the training, the artisan is involved in projects wherever his skill set is required. Enterprising artisans are provided the space and know-how to become entrepreneurs and practice their work independently with the required technical guidance. Due to lack of administrative and accounting knowledge, Sankalan supports the artisans and artisan entrepreneurs with these services and keeps them oriented on matters related to social security.

“Sankalan” has continuously tried to find solutions through research and development activities and transfer the know-how to the artisan guild. Fair trade practice, skill up gradation and hand-holding have helped a few enterprising artisans to venture into the world of entrepreneurship. After a journey of 20 years, these artisans who have participated in various projects have ventured to form the “So-Hath – 100 Hands” Foundation for Building Artisans, registered as a section - 8 company i.e. not-for-profit, under Indian Companies Act 2013. All the existing independent artisan entrepreneur companies function collectively under a single umbrella to work towards common goals and objectives.

Explore Technical Support Works  
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What our alumni say about our training

Testimonial House - Architecture X Webflow Template

“They did an amazing work for us”

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit cilisis pretium leo pellentesque ultrices est varius amet rhoncus sed euismod sit id purus elementum nulla tincidunt massa vel.”

Testimonial - Architecture X Webflow Template
Kathie Corl
Brooklyn, New York
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