Jetavan - Budhha Vihar
Sakarwadi, Maharashtra
600 sqm
Water Recycled
Spiritual Center

Jetavan - Budhha Vihar

Material / Technique • Rammed Earth Walls, wooden understructure and reclaimed Mangalore tiles

Jetavana the Center for Buddhist Studies has been constructed inside the campus of a bio-refinery, especially for the people associated with the refinery and surrounding villagers who follow Buddhism. This center has been built as a resource center for visitors to develop insight on Theravada Buddhism and also use the Centre for religious and cultural activities.

The techniques implemented by the various artisan groups under the technical guidance of Sankalan include Stabilized rammed earth, wooden understructures, mud-rolls and minimal usage of RCC whereever required.

An inverted truss was designed for the roofing system. To ascertain the structural load of trusses, an in-house research activity was conducted in Sankalan’s Campus. On satisfactory results of the research the trusses were installed.

“Jetavana” is designed by sP+a, a Mumbai based architecture firm. Sankalan has provided inputs in incorporating the eco-friendly construction practices into the design and has involved various artisan groups specialized in earthen construction and carpentry.

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