Sardar Nagar Housing at GIDC, Bhuj
Kutch, Gujarat
Water Recycled
95000 liters/day

Sardar Nagar Housing at GIDC, Bhuj

Following the earthquake in January 2001, a temporary housing site was established to accommodate the affected residents of Bhuj city. This temporary location housed approximately 1400 families in prefabricated houses. The Kutch Nav Nirman Abhiyan, in collaboration with the Bhuj Area Development Authority, conceived this settlement as a permanent relocation site for the economically disadvantaged sections of society. As part of the development, around 400 houses were constructed. However, connecting this site to the city's main sewer line posed challenges in terms of complexity and cost, as it required extensive digging up to a depth of 7-8 meters in certain areas.

This DEWAT system has been designed for the entire relocation site. In the first phase, 40 houses were tapped which were having individual septic tanks. From the septic tank sewerage was redirected to a collection tank and water is pumped into the baffle tanks with a solar pump. The Baffle tanks, Anaerobic filters, and planted filters have been designed as features on an existing pond. The water drains into the pond which works as a polishing pond. This treated water was proposed to be used for vegetable farming.

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